Call: 07714550809
Take a look at some of the benefits of massage to see how great you can feel after a session.
Benefits of Massage:
ü Relaxation of tight muscles and improving their function and tone
ü Reduction in muscle spasm, pain and tension
ü Release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers
ü Relaxation and therefore reduction in anxiety and stress
ü Improved blood circulation and lymphatic drainage
ü Reduction of swelling caused by an accumulation of fluid in the tissues
ü Inducing a feeling of well-
ü Improving function and appearance of skin
ü Helping to break down fatty tissue and cellulite
ü Improving posture
ü Relieving stiff joints
ü Improving digestion, constipation and flatulence
ü Encouraging deeper and more relaxed breathing
ü Improved mobility